Bird’s leg stuck in frozen pipe, man saved life with hand heat! Raveena Tandon praised by sharing the video

Bird’s leg stuck in frozen pipe, man saved life with hand heat!  Raveena Tandon praised by sharing the video

One thing is certain that human being is the most special creation of this nature. But with being special, the responsibility of humans towards nature also increases. We cannot keep our hands on our hands and watch our nature getting destroyed. Therefore, it is our responsibility to help every unit associated with it in times of need. A person recently did the same with a bird which was in danger due to extreme cold and if its life was not saved, it would have died soon. But the person (Man rescued Kingfisher bird video) helped and the video of the incident is going viral.

Bollywood’s famous actress Raveena Tandon has recently tweeted a video (Raveena Tandon video) which is winning the hearts of people as well as her. Sharing this video (bird legs stuck in frozen pipe rescued video), Raveena wrote- “The kingfisher bird’s legs were stuck on the frozen pipe, a generous person separated it with the warmth of his hands and saved the bird’s life.” .” Raveena Tandon is a veteran actress and sharing such a video by her is really commendable as it will give a new lesson to humanity.

Tags: Ajab Gajab news, trending news, Weird news

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